Sunday, July 13, 2014

Red, White & Rainbow - Inequality in Texas

     According to a recent article by Mary Tuma published in the Austin Chronicle, Texas Republicans are supporting a GOP draft which "granted 'legitimacy and value' to the reparative therapy" of homosexuals. In response, Democrats are calling for a ban on what world health organizations have proven to be an outdated and invalid practice. I personally feel Republican actions make Texans look ignorant but I want the world to know their actions do not speak for all of Texas. We've already established civil rights for different groups in America, what makes homosexuals any less deserving of these rights? They too have been discriminated and suffered for reasons they cannot change. In Austin, diversity is the lifeblood of our ecosystem and that variety is what makes Austin, Austin. So, why are Texas Republicans lagging so far behind in their views toward people with different sexual orientations? People from all walks of life should be celebrated and accepted not only in Austin, but all of Texas and from sea to shining sea.

Read Mary Tuma's full article here

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