Sunday, August 17, 2014

Vote for Charlie Baird!

​ While reading Mean Rachel's post "An Endorsement: On Problem Solving and Criminal Justice", I couldn't help but agree with everything she says. Geared towards the people who simply refuse to recognize the flaws in our criminal justice system and/or accept that these problems are also our own, this article does an excellent job of making people realize that we need to work together and vote for Charlie Baird for Travis County's new district attorney. She is definitely someone with intentions to work towards putting a stop to the problems going on in our criminal justice system. Considering that these issues have begun to trickle their way into our neighborhoods and every day lives, this needs to be taken care of. These issues can be seen having a huge impact in low income neighborhoods and even those in the middle of transitioning into nicer ones. Such as drug dealing, theft, illegal immigrants residing there and much much more. In every aspect of our home lives, there is the potential for disturbance due to problems in the neighborhood involving criminals and flaws in our justice system. So I believe that voting for Charlie Baird will help us to solve these problems, by involving people and making them recognize they are affected by them more than we might realize. I believe having someone dedicated to help solve these issues will prove to be a really good thing for Travis County. Having lived in a transitioning neighborhood for the past 6 years, I have seen some of these issues first and and I agree that it is time for us to come together and help end them. 

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